
Showing posts from November, 2016

page 18

unlike gravity and inertia, love's force can be felt by conscious choice. when given a conscious choice, we then have a decision to make; with every morning-miracle that wakes us up we can pick between a half-living type or a full-living type; take a boat or brave the sea's drowning. walk the valley foothills or climb to the mountainous summit. remember the past or lay in the hammock of the present. take your pick: be-side love or be-in love. ::: if you carry a bag of savory fruit, please do this. share, yes. that is the good thing to do. but, tell the receiver to eat and give a seed to another, so that ten others can have a fruit basket someday, so that twenty others can have a fruit garden someday, so that fifty others can have a fruit market someday, so that a community becomes sweeter than the savory taste itself. ::: blankets exist to make ourselves comfortable with self-...

page 17

do not step in someone else's shoes, as the old saying goes; shoes prevent feeling. their rubber bottoms prevent even the owner from touching bare skin to rocky ground, soft grass, cold water, hot pavement. to know another is to witness an undressing so vulnerable and intimate, it would make sex laughable. be with the other so intensely! watch them take off their conditions: first the socks, second the shirt, third the pants, fourth the undergarments, fifth the skin. what remains is the purity of soul untouched by fabric or tissue of any kind. let yourself do the same. undress and let them see you as you are in your rawness. ::: my finger burned by the stove is a simple sting. my ankle bent oddly by a fall makes my gate slightly sore and uneven. my teeth pinching from a cold drink is a small wince in my face. my this, my that, any bodily pain hurts. it is always been tolerable. now, it is an innocent slap on the wrist. yet, th...

page 16

keep this burning in me. this center in my stomach warmed evenly like a cast-iron pot over a fire. wholeness is a new form of fullness. ::: wings of a butterfly. an apple's skin. a leaf's coat. a tear down a face. water washes off of all who know cleansing within. ::: You are the reaper that reaps for my grave. the more i try to rest, the more You reap a test. the more You try to test, the closer i am to best. the better i become from you, the more dead i die true; i must never rest, reaper give me Your tests, so that i may be as close as i can be to best.      lay to peace from Your reaping. ::: when we watch a candle flame, we know it . our soul, a blue flame, of the hottest heat peeking from the wick. cresting out is the yellow and orange colors of the same soul-love. colors are of no matter. does a candle know what colors it gives? I am heat essence, nothing more. ...

page 15

it is difficult to hear the conversations Queens, Kings, and Jacks have inside the box. this time, though, they spoke loudly enough so i could listen: King of Spades: So what do we do about this then? Jack of Diamonds: We seek what makes it precious. Queen of Clubs: But what does it mean to be precious? How can we feel it? King of Clubs: There is no way of knowing the "how". Jack of Hearts: He's right, all you know is The Way. Queen of Diamonds: Explain this further. Jack of Hearts: The Way is like that of water through rock, stars through sky, heat through air, blood through vein, sun rays through leaf cells. Jack of Spades: Jack, you have left this unfinished. It is also fire from oil spill, death by weaponry, poverty by ignorance, divorce by words-unspoken. King of Hearts: May I include this? The Way is full. Circle with no beginning and no end. Queen of Spades: But how it is precious? King of Spades: The seeking itself. King of Hearts...

page 14

accolades, compliments, rewards, and shiny things are a detriment to a greater reward; win this, win that, and bow your soul. say "Thank you" and leave quietly. do this repeatedly. continuously. i personally hope to become a humble snake. but, i must follow the correct metamorphosis. i stand now, under my hard, cold bones. i am ready; send the awards my way so i can learn. if i do not learn, make me stand taller. make these femurs grow longer and stronger. put me under a spotlight of greatness, ok, i close my eyes and bow.      i lose my pelvis. praise me with loving, kindhearted words. i bow.      i lose my femurs. tell me about the impact I have made. i bow.      i lose my knee caps. shower me with hugs and speeches in-honor-of me. i bow.      i lose my tibias and fibulas. make others change because of me. i bow.      i lose my feet. make me change because of You...