page 39
when the almond trees bloom their white walls, i will meet You there. a secretive Love is not beautiful in its category of being a Love; a secretive Love is beautiful in the maintenance of its keeping ; the keeping of a secret as ours is a Love even more beautiful than the latter. ::: spring: it is time for flight! it is time to leave the thinking-past so the purity of presence can spread its wings as a future-to-fly-fast. soar upward and up! reach higher than the mother tree who cradled you in her arms. she will smile warmly. our bird souls do not know the miracle of flight unless we are born nesting in unmoving stillness; idleness before expanse; fabricated boundaries; before abstractness; tree branch before sky. eventually, the wandering within us tells us home-sweet-home is there-sweeter-everywhere. ::: sunflower, if i have to present a green face, it's towards you. Darling, why so? you...