page 121
"Stillest is we, stillest is we," says the oak trees. why not can my be stillest in me? ::: there is a harmony in balancing the forceful opposition of reaching further and staying grounded. no one knows this better than the trees; reach without your roots, and you fall. choose the security of the soil, and you never grow. ::: "there is a reason you cannot see me with your sight. you cannot see me because of my light. this is my goal--- to turn you away. a ceaseless farewell--- to lead you astray. for i am but a mirror--- reflection of day. i am who you are--- in your truest way; there is a reason you cannot see me with your sight. close your eyes now. there i am! there you are! right here. see it now? this place, the nearest star." ::: click-turn-ignition. "ready to go! ready for today!" crrrank. crrank. crrank. crrank-gurgling-spitfire-POP! thumb-thumb-thumb-thumb-thumb. "i'm up". melancholy's morning feels...