page 50

most people make the mistake
of looking up when it rains;

"gloomy day huh?"

someone says, "look down.

the earth is always greener on these days;

it reflects a quenched
thirst and lathers itself in the Excess."


wooden booths soak in
banter and grief and betrayal and surprise

and news and intellectual learning and
"oh my god, did you---" and head nods and

talking hands and 
caffeinated, tonal waves splashing.

fans whisk the cake batter
of a collective experience.

the clock crucified on the wall
is as arbitrary as it always has been.

lamp light puts a small moon
next to the pupil planet within the iris

of the soul that fills the space
across from me;




markers, flags, constant alarms.
signals SHOUTING AT US to start chasing

the butterfly in the field that is our own youth's

     go! with all fallacy
     and run to what must be caught!

     go! run and capture
     the argument that is forever sound!


unanticipated---unanticipated---after unanticipated---
after unanticipated---after unanticipated

and you become who you never expected.

anticipated---anticipated---after anticipated---
after anticipated---after unanticipated

and you become who you always expected;

Living verses living.
your choice.


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