page 54

although inappropriate and unnecessary,
the pronouns of "You" and "i" will be used

when i say this:
You-and-i are an orange rose;

it is only when an orange rose wilts
and loses its thirst

You-and-i are no longer an orange rose

but yellow at the pedals' base
and red at their curled lips;

it is only after Death
that You  -and-  i are visual.

until then, what exists
is the essence of one color



Beloved or beloved.
outspoken or coveted.
worshipped or whispered.
One matters or Many at once.

there is a Home,
 or there is a home.
a Place or a place.

Road Hailed or road traveled.
A Kindness or a kindness---
there should only be one kind;

We Love and we love.
All matter.

All always All.


"Runners to your mark. Set---"


your fears Stay ahead of

andchase andchase andchase andchase
andchase andchase andchase andchase
andchase andchase andchase andchase
andchase andchase andchase                   your dreams.


My Dearest,

Speak, I can, when silenced.
Speak, cannot I, till provoked.

Warmest regards,

Your Heart


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