page 84
on high you stand,
when there is all but your glory.
do take a look around;
bounty cannot be truly bountiful
if joy is forgotten as most joyful
among many.
when there is all but your glory.
do take a look around;
bounty cannot be truly bountiful
if joy is forgotten as most joyful
among many.
i can't believe i committed to this.
let's get this straight, ok?
so we can all cut early and go home.
here, i claim the golden throne.
i claim the ignorant scorn---
the flamboyant and biased thorn
by which, i, proudly cut so many.
i sterilized the walls of the mortal mind
with calculated and historical prowess.
i, claim the power
of how this is, and was, and will be.
you think you can uproot the roots that rooted me?
or drought me dry in how i will come to be? hah!
better yet---pathetically shoo me away?
here, i claim the largest gnat-like annoyance.
i claim being crazy! i claim being insane!
bipolar, retarded lunacy!
i, am the enigma infecting all of your thoughts.
you try to break my walls by fighting
in-sane? oh wow.
is sanity your only game?
to that, i claim your subjectivity.
no amount of research and awareness
can kill my individual selectivity.
look. do you pick a bruised apple?
of course not. so here's an inquire:
how can the whole be greater if the sum
ostracizes some (pun intended)
of its parts?
that, that is the most insane sane thing
that creates my beautifully patronizing art.
so, i claim irony;
paradoxical pot calling out the kettle
as unable
to keep its contents warm and stable---no---
but as always boiling inside.
those who label is mentally "nil"
are the masons whom carved my name
and polished my notorious game---not me.
secretly, you claim your help
as society's largest apology.
but i, claim no forgiveness because
an individual's philosophy still remains.
still i,
claim the ultimate shape-shifting superpower.
you can shift the shape of a single heart
in this eleventh hour.
if you can do that,
you claim superior power---
holding the cloak of my invisibility
in your hands.
---stigma speaks this way.
stop looking through the lens
of who you really are.
is the worker
willing to take the axe upon himself?
is one willing, with multiplicity,
to strike the rock-surface of The Mask
revealing what was always present?
a celestial center
illuminated to its highest
upon this new light?
at the center of true openness---
is this soul amethyst?
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