page 102
a compass has its limits. (eight limits to be exact.) to those who explore without a compass, they have no limits and seek only one direction: Onward. ~ to you, braveheart, wander well. ::: cropped, bleached bangs. lime green nail polish. Sharpie X's on both hands. and a pastel orange shirt that says in white capital letters: CHOOSE LOVE. (why must love be a choice? if it is the Thing has exists infinitely and constantly, can we bow our foreheads in that river just once? once-and-for-all?) ::: just as the clothes on my back, i will wear You until i am worn. ragged and ripped and tattered in love. ::: if fear is your god, you are practicing a bad religion--- following the fidelity of an infidel; for reasons in or out of your control, someone or something convinces you the only answer to true joy and happiness is to remain within that which you already know and falsely believe. ::: ...