page 113

the boisterous air fizzles and flits
around the room like the freshly
freed bubbles of a young champagne.

while the others keep climbing
the mountain with a happy, drunken gait---
i follow along---

all too aware that i have, again,
stepped on that plateau.

i have, again, faced the choice
of making my summit,

or stopping here and resting---
while they reach the top

and kiss the stars.


every night for several years,
i lit a candle before i sat quietly
to find my stillness.

it became my ritual.
it became my symbol.

this candle reflected my soul---
the eternal flame of being.

---or so i thought.

on one such night,
sitting in my stillness,
i heard a voice ask me,

"where is the light?"

it repeatedly and patiently asked me,

"where is the light?"

until i began to ask myself.


every night,
i sit quietly to find my stillness,

but i have ceased to light the candle.


there are some who drink
from the bucket.

but with you...
i drank from the well.


foolishly i took notice of the impatient wind.
sheepishly i smelled the thin, dry air.
treppidly i turned hot under the seething sun---
listlessly waiting for a fervent storm
and a daring strike of lightning to stoke
an uncontrollable forest fire.

carelessly i ignored the timber.
it was already damp.


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