page 137
walk with acceptance.
talk with curiosity.
love with compassion.
laugh with joy.
listen with empathy.
feel with presence.
the astronomers and philosophers
faced the night sky.
the common worshipper
faced the rolling clouds.
the painter
faced the blank canvas.
the writer
faced the empty page.
the child---the sandbox.
it is only when we face ambiguity
that we release our state of consciousness
towards freedom
to invite a greater inspiration.
why care for the garden of woe?
for what end do you desire
as you till the soil?
was there ever a fruit
that did not spoil?
why care for the garden of woe?
for what love do you desire
while you tend these seeds?
a famished heart
is the greatest of needs.
you can continue
to nurture this woe,
but love thyself,
and new seeds will sow.
does the honeybee abruptly drop
onto the petal of the flower?
it settles softly. delicately.
be gentle with yourself and others.
so is that what it feels like?
the infantile sun
touches the face, back, and shoulders
of the dormant flower petal,
unfurls from its slumber with trust
towards the day's unforeseen potential.
is it, that,
as that may be?
is that joy?
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