page 39

when the almond trees
bloom their white walls,

i will meet You there.

a secretive Love is not
beautiful in its category of being a Love;

a secretive Love is beautiful
in the maintenance of its keeping;

the keeping of a secret as ours
is a Love even more beautiful than the latter.


spring: it is time for flight!

it is time to leave the thinking-past
so the purity of presence can spread its wings

as a future-to-fly-fast.

soar upward and up!
reach higher than the mother tree

who cradled you in her arms.

she will smile warmly.

our bird souls do not know
the miracle of flight

unless we are born nesting
in unmoving stillness;

idleness before expanse;
fabricated boundaries;

before abstractness;
tree branch before sky.

eventually, the wandering within us
tells us home-sweet-home

is there-sweeter-everywhere.


sunflower, if i have to
present a green face, it's towards you.

Darling, why so?

you always face it!

I always face what?

you always face the sun, it's your
everything! your source of--of--

Go on sweetheart.

it's your source of love, of faith
of everything. how do you do it so easily?

There was a time it was not so easy.


Oh of course! But I asked for help.

who helped you?


how did he help you?

He told me to close my eyes,
turn East, and surrender.

and then what happened?

He kissed me and left.
Before I opened my eyes, I could see Dawn.


there is no orbit and orbiter;

when i waned
and waned further,

You annihilated me to newness.

now i wax and wax further
from newness to fullness.

at the moment of my fullness,
You will see me and be suddenly---

at Your moment of newness.


Let go so you may never let go.

the way You speak to me
is paradoxical;

if paradox is what i must believe,
then i must believe two truths

that cannot be true at the same time;

in turn, if this love is a paradox
then there will never be a lie;

only will there be an exchange
of truths---one that presents

will prove the other as less true
until the other appears as more true;

if my heart believes i will see You again,
what then?

     i yearn for the truth that is more.


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