page 57

born as a root...

cradled by the God-trunk...

awakened as a branch...

enlightened as a leaf.


Love was Newton's Fourth Law;

Four every action,
there is a greater and opposite reaction.


the other day
i worshipped in a church,
in a synagogue,
in a mosque,
in a temple,
and next to a shrine;

the other day
i spoke with five people.
i surrendered to their hymns,
to their trop,
to their azan,
to their chants,
to their stotras.

each one, individually.
all sum, collectively; 

the five-dot face
of a single dice

thrown by an existential hand.


would you allow a diamond
to fall into a tar pit,

to watch it transform into a pearl?

let go,

so that you may fill yourself opaque
when you were transparent before,

and heal yourself round
when you were jagged prior.

then, you were tough.
now, you are enough.


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