page 6
when i sleep, i see it as waking. when i wake, i see it as sleeping. the only way i see You is within irony. ::: heart-colors. a blue fire, the lonely heart. a red fire, the fallen heart. a yellow fire, the peaceful heart. i wish i could see which color appears in the veins on my wrist. even then, this love makes me colorblind. ::: if i drank coffee before dawn, maybe i could win. i would not sleep. You would not wake me. ::: i need You. You need i. this constant back and forth between us. a see-saw cannot be one without the other. one half currently sees. the other, saw, what i see now. there is an energetic child riding on the see-saw. He does not pick sides. with feet, He pushes down in a rhythm, in the center. He moves both sides simultaneously. You on-the-up. i on-the-down. i on-the-up. You on-the-down. this is how we help each other. ::...