page 6

when i sleep,
i see it as waking.

when i wake,
i see it as sleeping.

the only way i see You is within irony.



a blue fire, the lonely heart.
a red fire, the fallen heart.
a yellow fire, the peaceful heart.

i wish i could see which color appears
in the veins on my wrist.

even then,
this love makes me colorblind.


if i drank coffee before dawn,
maybe i could win.

i would not sleep. You would not wake me.


i need You.
You need i.

this constant back and forth between us.
a see-saw cannot be one without the other.

one half currently sees. the other, saw,
what i see now.

there is an energetic child riding on the see-saw.
He does not pick sides.

with feet, He pushes down in a rhythm, in the center.
He moves both sides simultaneously.

You on-the-up.     
i on-the-down.
i on-the-up.     
You on-the-down.

this is how we help each other.


i see Your pink matter
and the small valley in between;

i have always marveled at the power water has on rock.
how it smooths even the hardest shears.

the water must have polished Your matter for years,
until pink and smooth.

earth's molten heat dances beneath
this landscape,

but only a subtle warmth blankets the surface.


can i summer this hand
that is been through too many winters?

Of course not. Let go.

but if i hold a power of heat close to that of the sun,
why can't i try?

My sweetheart, set your heat away on the horizon.

You do not know the process of hibernation.


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