page 12
this love is a tablespoon
of olive oil poured in a skillet.
when God-heat is applied,
the oil covers the entirety of the skillet's surface.
when the food source of
another love is placed within it,
a raw meat is cooked.
stoves have an eternal heat source.
olive oil does not;
the olive oil chose to absorb God-heat within itself,
and made the further choice
of loving another love;
essence is the cooking.
presence is the cooked meat before you.
love this way and you will never go hungry again.
let the rain show happen and wait.
the air bubbles rise to the surface
of olive oil poured in a skillet.
when God-heat is applied,
the oil covers the entirety of the skillet's surface.
when the food source of
another love is placed within it,
a raw meat is cooked.
stoves have an eternal heat source.
olive oil does not;
the olive oil chose to absorb God-heat within itself,
and made the further choice
of loving another love;
essence is the cooking.
presence is the cooked meat before you.
love this way and you will never go hungry again.
how many times have we watched rain
from the ground up?
take a sudden rainstorm;
do not run inside.
do not yell at its inconvenience.
let the rain show happen and wait.
it is the smell of rain that brings the greatest celebration;
beneath the surface, air bubbles in rain droplets
trap bacteria and other toxins in the soil.
the air bubbles rise to the surface
and release the bacteria and toxins as aerosols.
to feel its fragrance is to smell its forgiveness---
the healing of it.
the healing of it.
there is a traveling wagon
where the destination lies
not in the path it travels
but in how well the wheels turn.
where the destination lies
not in the path it travels
but in how well the wheels turn.
when the mind tries to step in
like it always does, bringing fear, ignorance,
and a slew of others with it,
and a slew of others with it,
i become a human lung;
autonomic. always breathing to survive.
taking in something precious like oxygen
and releasing something foul like carbon-dioxide.
i vacuum words
and then free others to the air as this;
i let the transformation occur within.
i let the transformation occur within.
Let-it gooooooo.
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