page 13

inside looking;
You tell me how to look through Your looking.

inside nature;
my soul disperses among
the trees, flowering plants, seeds.
You are the lake and i, in you, grow like algae.

inside darkness;
You are the darkness,
covering me, smothering me in an
unknown that i am suppose to face.
You are both fear, and enlightenment.

inside truth;
You tell me, See past conditions.
These conditions are lies,
the truth is underneath. Somewhere
inside all those you meet is a glow;
A sphere of wholeness, both touched by
lies and untouchable by them. Find it
within everyone because it is pure. Of love.
It is the hiding in the unhidden you must know
about me;

The moral of my story is inside the moral itself.


painting in the abstract
tailors to emotions.

painting in the concrete
tailors to fault lines and boundaries.

painting in the mixed forms
tailors to the composition.

painting in the form itself
tailors to the painter.

she, he, they
become the brush
the colors
the canvas
the wetness and smearing
of the paint.

a masterpiece is nothing more
than pieces of mastery achieved
by each moment lived;

now think of this with the musician,
the sculptor,
the teacher,
the entrepreneur,
the mother,
the preacher,
the friend,
the father,
the writer,
the child,
it goes on.

we are all works of art, and art works
its pieces of mastery from moment to moment.


You have sent me a stepping stone.
but now You teach me the act of stepping;

You say,

It is your choice to step.
Remember, it is a stone made for stepping.
If you fulfill the purpose, then it is easy.

If you walk around the stepping stone,
you meet resistance.
I did not send you a walking stone;

A walking stone does not bring you higher,
it keeps you level.
Learn to step and you will be one step closer to me.


; feel it rising

when you imagine what the other deserves

and will receive the better of

based on what he or she believes

he or she could not deserve previously.



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