page 46

where you can (this is searching),
whom you are (this is questioning),
how you move (this is reacting),
what you do (this is lying),
when you act (this is theatrical),
why you have (this is explaining.)

(these are conditional phrases.)

you can,
you are,
you move,
you do,
you act,
you have.

(these are being.)


and so the wizard said with a whisk of his wand,

The human eye will be the shape that is round,
a circle,

without a corner to be found, nor a face at a turnabout.

"why must that be?" said the village
who is blind.

Because there is no ending at which this shape must bind;

Itself, continues, for and through time.

Unarranged from every angle you will exchange.

They will, in their nature, always be the same.

"what will they look like?"

The layers will be three;

The first,
a layer that is white, for innocence and purity.

The second,
a layer whose colors vary, with the character of which you carry.

The smallest,
a layer that appears to be black, yet it is a tunnel---a colorless path.

"a path to where?" the village,
eager to ask.

Another circle,
for which your neighbors' cannot compare;

A truth that can be seen not with sight,

but at the sight of Love's stare.


to be potent with as few words as---



control is using intention
as our greatest corruption;

tell an inmate he or she is exonerated
and watch him or her walk outside

to jail.


...magnificent nothing
that is bountiful navigation
stretching its arms into
extravagant all-things for
no more time than lightning-bolt-striking
and unconsciousness-awakening through
way of infinite annihilation;

Spring is here


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