page 28

at night's closing eyes,
i prayed to let You go;

i prayed to be a sunflower
without sun---a moonflower.

You need what is not me.
i hope You find more in someone else.


if by Fate's design and a soft collision,
may it be us---one star.


if not one star,
may night sling a rope

to connect us
together---in God's constellation.


breathing air that became
not pure for her---

she waited and remained---

still enough to welcome
a new air that came;

to her pleasure
each lung sung and

inflated with It---synchronized---
with violet forgiveness.


how does a tree feel
to be in a forest of mirrors?

who is to say the oak tree
was simply a tree?;

did it learn to have oak-ness
by seeing reflections of itself?

or was the oak-ness always there,
but it had to grow to become a tree?;

i think of how it would be
to see me in You and You in me;

evergreen to evergreen,
oak to oak, willow to willow.

i understand how forests become;

trees watch each other grow,
they do not rely on the sun.


carried the weight-of-the-world,
by one.

carried a heavy Child,
in some.

carried a slow-healing heart,
i am done.

carried a requited care,
your Glove.

carried by a stranger i knew,
your Love.


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